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RGA Accreditation Handbook

Rural Generalist Anaesthesia Accreditation Handbook.

ANZCA Bulletin June 2018

GDC Strategic Priorities 2023-2027

Global Development Committee strategic priorities paper 2023-2027

PG43(A)BP Guideline on fatigue risk management in anaesthesia practice Background Paper

To provide justification for the professional document on the importance of fatigue risk management in providing safe and effective perioperative care to patients, and as a resource for clinicians to understand fatigue.

ANZCA NZ submission on revised scope for AT FV

College feedback on the Medical Sciences Council review of the scope of practice for anaesthetic practitioners in New Zealand, including a proposal to change their title to perioperative practitioner.




PS12(PM) Position statement on the use of ketamine in the management of chronic non-cancer pain

Statement from the Faculty of Pain Medicine on the use of ketamine with reference to its use in the management of patients with chronic non-cancer pain.

ANZCA statement on desflurane 2024

ANZCA statement on desflurane 2024

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