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Acute severe behavioural disturbance ER session guideline

Acute severe behavioural disturbance ER session guideline

Submission re Andexanet

College feedback to the Council of Therapeutic Advisory Groups on a draft position statement for andexanet alfa

Peer review of practice (procedures in pain medicine) - observation form

Peer review of practice (procedures in pain medicine) - observation form

Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - summary form

Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - summary form

Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - summary form

Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - summary form

PS01(PM) Statement regarding the use of opioid analgesics in patients with chronic non-cancer pain

Statement regarding the use of opioid analgesics in patients with chronic non-cancer pain

FPM submission to Cannabis and driving in Queensland-community consultation 20231215

Faculty feedback on the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads community consultation on cannabis and driving.

Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - self-assessment form

Multi-source feedback (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - self-assessment form

LLHW Toolkit_summary

Draft clinical governance framework

College feedback on the New Zealand Health Quality and Safety Commission’s draft clinical governance framework.

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