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Recall: PROVIVE MCT-LCT 1% propofol 200mg/20mL emulsion for injection vial, impurity detected

Recall of lot number A0E0051 of these vials due to detection of propofol dimer impurity within US Pharmacopeia accepted limits. Remove from use and return for credit.

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The perioperative care model

If you’re very old or very sick, a bit of extra care before and after your operation ensures you’re ready for surgery in the first place and have the best chance of a good recovery once the operation is over. We call this the perioperative care model.

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Environmental Sustainability Network

The purpose of the ESN is “to advocate, collaborate and promote initiatives and projects related to environmental sustainability within anaesthesia, perioperative and pain medicine”.

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Our strategic relations

We play an active role in in the global health community. Discover some of the ways we're working together to improve health outcomes for all patients.

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Gender equity

Gender equity has ethical, social, and economic benefits to our fellows, trainees, specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs), and the broader community. Find out what we're doing...

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Rural generalist anaesthesia exams

Rural Generalist Anaethesia trainees must successfully complete the multiple choice question examination (MCQs) and the RGA Standardised Structured Scenario-based Assessment (RGA-SSSA) during training.

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Environmental Sustainability Network Executive

The purpose of the ESN is “to advocate, collaborate and promote initiatives and projects related to environmental sustainability within anaesthesia, perioperative and pain medicine”.

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Neural connector (NRFit®) changeover

Important information about the introduction of neural devices with connectors compliant with the new international standard ISO 80369-6.

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About the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network

Our clinical trials seek definitive answers to inform best practice and improve patient care and safety. Explore who we are; our strategic priorities; our history and funding achievements; major findings from our published trials; and important research questions underway.

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Progressing to provisional fellowship

In order to progress to provisional fellowship training, you will need to complete the requirements of advanced training and secure a suitable provisional fellowship position.

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