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Join the ANZCA and FPM CPD program

Unlimited 24/7 access to our world-leading online continuing professional development (CPD) program is included in your membership. It has been specially designed to make sure you meet your mandatory requirements for clinical practice and fellowship.

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2024 FPM Spring Meeting

18 Oct 2024 - 20 Oct 2024 | Auckland

Join us for 2024 FPM Spring Meeting to be held at the Pullman Hotel in Auckland, New Zealand from 18 to 20 October.

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Improve sharps and pharmaceutical waste

Volunteers for sharps and pharmaceutical waste are needed for Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, Tasmania and New Zealand.

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New CPD app in 2024

You asked; we listened! We’re developing a new CPD app due to launch in the first half of 2024.

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ANZCA research grants for 2025

Applications are now open.

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ER facilitators can claim the ER CPD activity

Course providers/facilitators for an emergency response (ER) course/workshop with recognition of suitability for CPD program can claim the ER activity.

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Revised professionalism and performance guide now available

As part of our ongoing commitment to elevating professionalism in our workforce, we have completed a comprehensive review of the 2017 Supporting Anaesthetists’ Professionalism and Performance: A Guide for Clinicians.

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Monthly media digest: February/March 2024

A digest of college news coverage for February/March 2024

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FPM Board meeting update

This is a report following the FPM Board meetings held in Melbourne on 14 April 2024, the FPM Symposium on Friday 3 May and the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting 3-7 May 2024.

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Patient Clinical Interaction Assessment (PCIA): Updated information

In March 2024 the patient clinical interaction assessment (PCIA) was communicated to stakeholders as a news item on the ANZCA website, which was also promoted through the ANZCA training e-newsletter.

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