Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander & Māori health
Find out what we're doing to address the inequities in health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
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Special Interest Groups
Whether your interest is airway management, CTVP, or obstetric anaesthesia, there's an anaesthesia Special Interest Group (SIG) for you.
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From formal submissions to social media campaigns, we leverage our professional reputation and relationships to advocate on issues affecting our specialties; our members; and the patients under their care.
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Fellows' toolkit
We've produced a range of resources to support your professional practice, including a member-only photo library.
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ANZCA and FPM CPD Program
Participating in a continuing professional development (CPD) program is compulsory for specialist registration in Australia and New Zealand. Access to our world-leading CPD program is free for ANZCA and FPM fellows.
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Standards of practice
We're responsible for setting the standards of clinical practice for anaesthesia and pain medicine in Australia and New Zealand. Our activities include issuing safety alerts; developing professional documents; and overseeing incident reporting.
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NAD23 social media toolkit
From Instagram stickers to animated GIFs, here's everything you need to get involved in our National Anaesthesia Day social media campaign.
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Specialist international medical graduates
If you trained as an anaesthetist or specialist pain medicine physician overseas, we offer a number of pathways for you to practice in Australia or New Zealand as a specialist international medical graduate (SIMG).
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Anaesthesia training program
Our anaesthesia training program is accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ).
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Specialist international medical graduates
The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and the Faculty of Pain Medicine have several pathways open to overseas trained anaesthetists and pain medicine specialists. Information on these pathways can be found below.
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