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I work as a specialist anaesthetist or pain medicine physician in the private sector

Information and resources to help with your CPD if you work in private practice

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I am a Faculty of Pain Medicine dual fellow

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements as a FPM dual fellow.

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I am an ANZCA provisional fellow

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements as an ANZCA provisional fellow.

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Rural Generalist Anaesthesia trainee toolkit

Fees, forms, and resources related to the RGA training program

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Admission to ANZCA fellowship

Once you've met your training requirements, you're eligible to apply for admission to fellowship. Here's everything you need to know about the process, as well as information on registering as a specialist.

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Roles in practice

These describe the roles of a specialist anaesthetist and specialist pain medicine physician and how they apply to contemporary practice – includes scholar role and communicator role.

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Have a question about the ROSI? Access our library of frequently asked questions.

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Airway Management SIG

The main objective of the Airway Management SIG is the promotion of science, education, exchange and distribution of ideas between anaesthetists with a particular interest and involvement in airway management.

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Anaesthesia trainee toolkit

Access all the resources, documents, and forms you need to meet your training requirements at the click of a button.

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Introduction to anaesthesia training

We strongly encourage all new trainees to attend this free, one-day orientation training. It covers everything you need to know about training to be a specialist anaesthetist, and it's a great opportunity to meet other registrars in your local training cohort.

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