Analysing healthcare outcomes guideline
Analysing healthcare outcomes guideline
FPM Board Update September 2024
FPM Board meeting update - September 2024
New Zealand Health and Disability Commissioner
College feedback on the Health and Disability Commissioner review of the Health and Disability Commissioner Act and the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights.
Procedures supervised clinical experience pathway application form
Application form to enter the SCEP
ESWG Final report June 21.docx
Acceptable use of ICT resources policy
This policy sets out the appropriate standards of behaviour for anyone using ANZCA’s information and communications technology (ICT) resources.
PG50(A)BP Guideline on return to anaesthesia practice for anaesthetists Background Paper
This document provides justification for the guidelines on advice for anaesthetists returning to practice after a significant absence, which guides them through a structured return-to-practice program to ensure safe and up-to-date patient care.