Cardiac Thoracic Vascular and Perfusion (CTVP) SIG
The CTVP SIG promotes excellence in education, research, and leadership in the field through the collaborative efforts of our members. We welcome all as members, who share a dedication to advancing our discipline.
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GDC Strategic Priorities 2023-2027
Global Development Committee strategic priorities paper 2023-2027
Providing patients with culturally safe care
Explore some of the measures we're taking to create a culturally safe environment for Indigenous Australian and Māori patients and doctors.
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Doctors’ health advisory services
We have developed a directory of doctors' health advisory services and helplines in Australia and New Zealand.
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ANZCA National Anaesthesia Day
Each year we celebrate ANZCA National Anaesthesia Day across Australia and New Zealand on 16 October, the anniversary of the day in 1846 that ether anaesthetic was first demonstrated in Boston, Massachusetts.
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Pain Medicine Discharge Plans
The Pain Medicine Discharge Plan is a patient resource aligned to meet the recommendations of the ACSQHC clinical care standard.
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Perioperative Medicine SIG
The Perioperative Medicine SIG has three aims: Improving patient safety and outcomes; collaborating and sharing knowledge with other specialist groups; and developing perioperative medicine with various craft groups.
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Resources for change
Resources contained within the ROSI have been developed by a team of multidisciplinary clinicians experienced in facilitating changes in opioid prescribing.
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FPM trainee toolkit
We've developed a range of courses and resources to support your pain medicine training.
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History of the college
The college was founded in February 1992 after operating as a Faculty of Anaesthetists within the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
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