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Our museum

The Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History was founded in 1935. It showcases over 170 years of advances in anaesthesia and pain medicine, and is the largest and most diverse collection of its kind in the world.

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Wellbeing SIG

The aim of the Wellbeing SIG is to promote personal wellbeing and to heighten awareness of wellbeing issues in anaesthetists and pain medicine specialists. The group is an informative, educative and referral group; it has no therapeutic role.

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About ROSI

Resources for Opioid Stewardship Implementation (ROSI) is a toolkit of resources developed by a multidisciplinary team of clinicians to assist organisations initiate or improve existing opioid stewardship programs.

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Advocating for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori health

Find out how we're involving Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and Māori communities in policy development and decision-making, and joining forces with medical colleges around Australia and New Zealand to advocate for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori health.

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GDC Strategic Priorities 2023-2027

Global Development Committee strategic priorities paper 2023-2027

ANZCA Global Development Committee funds and scholarships

The Global Development Committee offers and promotes scholarships and funding to support colleagues from low-middle income countries.

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Perioperative Anaphylaxis Management Guidelines

Management and diagnosis cards designed to be used as a crisis management package in the event of an acute perioperative anaphylaxis.

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Co-prescription of gabapentinoids and opioids

Following the death of a person after minor foot surgery, ANZCA reminds fellows that under certain conditions the interaction of gabapentinoids and opioids can cause severe respiratory depression, resulting in death.

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FPM centralised trainee tutorials

The centralised trainee tutorial program is an exciting initiative introduced in 2021 to provide all pain medicine trainees with access to a formalised teaching program and regular opportunities to engage with other trainees.

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Supervisors of training toolkit

We've collated a range of online resources to support our supervisors of training (SOTs) with the training, assessment, and pastoral care of trainees.

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