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COVID-19 - potential impacts to pain medicine training

Information regarding the impacts to pain medicine training during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Neural connector (NRFit®) changeover

Important information about the introduction of neural devices with connectors compliant with the new international standard ISO 80369-6.

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Emerging Investigators Sub-committee

The Emerging Investigators Sub-committee reports to and advises the Research Committee on issues relating to the support of trainee, junior, novice and other emerging research investigators including PhD candidate researchers.

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Professional practice research grants

We've created a dedicated grant for research in a range of aspects of professional practice, including simulation/education

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ANZCA Patrons emerging investigator grant

We've created a dedicated grant to encourage and support emerging investigators.

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I practice without direct patient care

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements if you practice without direct patient care.

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I am a specialist international medical graduate (SIMG)

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements if you complete the college’s specialist international medical graduate (SIMG) process.

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ANZCA Educators Program (AEP)

Learn to teach with the ANZCA Educators Program.

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Admission to faculty fellowship

Here's everything you need to know about applying to become an FFPMANZCA and registering as a specialist pain medicine physician.

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Fund a Colleague’s Education

ANZCA supports the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists’ Global Fellowship Programme, which provides skilled anaesthesiologists through low-cost, high-quality training across Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.

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