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EMAC course

Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises (EMAC) is a simulation-based course focused on managing anaesthetic emergencies. It consists of five modules, run over two and a half days, and is a compulsory requirement of the anaesthesia training program.

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FPM training fees and flexible training options

Find information about flexible training options and fees for the FPM training program.

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Named ANZCA research awards and grants

Each year a number of honorary named awards are made at the discretion of the ANZCA Research Committee.

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We offer two prestigious anaesthesia professorships. Explore the eligibility criteria, application process, entitlements, and past recipients.

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Annual workshop, events and webinars

Every year we run a strategic research workshop to collaborate on new research projects. We have an exciting program at the Annual Scientific Meeting as well as made recordings available of key educational sessions.

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Environmental sustainability

The healthcare sector is highly interconnected with activities that emit pollution to air, water and soils, resulting in a significant ecological footprint and contribution to anthropogenic climate change.

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Chapter of Perioperative Medicine FAQs

Everything you need to know about the ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine leading to a graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine, including the reasons for its development; the likely course structure, duration, and eligibility requirements; and the timeframes.

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Project grants

Each year, we fund a wide range of projects in the field of basic scientific research, clinical investigation or epidemiological research.

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College publications

Our publications keep members up-to-date and lift the profile of anaesthesia and pain medicine with policy makers and in the wider community.

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Essential Pain Management program

Unrelieved pain is a major global healthcare problem and its importance is often unrecognised. Adequate pain management results in fewer medical complications, earlier hospital discharge and improved quality of life.

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