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SIMG preliminary review (SPR)

The SPR is prepared for all applicants in Australia and summarises the initial assessment of an SIMG’s suitability to enter the SIMG process.

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Unfamiliar drug presentations and concentrations

Need for heightened awareness of risk of under and over-dosing in clinical practice and for checking a drug’s name, concentration and volume/dose.

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BJA personal subscriptions

As a member, you can subscribe to the high-impact British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA) at a heavily discounted personal subscription rate.

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ANZCA Council

The ANZCA Council governs the college with the support of the FPM Board and various committees. Its roles include reviewing and approving the annual strategic plan and budget, and developing and monitoring key performance indicators and other benchmarks.

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Our fellows and trainees

Statistics on ANZCA and FPM fellows and trainees

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FPM Best Free Paper Award

Awarded for original work judged to be the best contribution to the FPM free papers session at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting. 

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Contributing to public policy and health systems

We work with national, state and territory governments to ensure we're appropriately consulted on decisions affecting our members; the health systems they work within; and their ability to provide every patient with safe, high-quality, and culturally competent care.

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Pain medicine training sites

Find FPM-accredited training sites, as well as information on supervisors of training, unit directors, and how to get your unit accredited.

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Advocating for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori health

Find out how we're involving Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and Māori communities in policy development and decision-making, and joining forces with medical colleges around Australia and New Zealand to advocate for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori health.

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Te Whare Tohu o Te Hau Whakaora

Find out why the college has a te reo Māori name; what it means; how it was developed; and how to pronounce it.

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