PG03(A)BP Guideline for the management of major regional analgesia BP
The purpose of these guidelines is to facilitate the management of major regional blocks including epidural, subarachnoid, plexus and nerve blocks, and to reduce the likelihood of adverse outcomes and complications which may be associated with such blocks. The guidelines also ...
ANZCA Bulletin Winter 2024
Vet turned FANZCA | Guide to GLP-1/GIP receptor agonists | Tips for passing FPM exams
ANZCA Bulletin Winter 2021
The Winter 2021 edition of the ANZCA Bulletin includes features on the virtual world of the 2021 ANZCA ASM; working on the wild West Coast of Aotearoa New Zealand; and one fellow's account of recovery and rehabilitation from substance use disorder; as well as all of the latest...
FPM by-law 4 - FPM Training Program
FPM training program including eligibility criteria, application requirements, and program structure. It covers entry pathways, core and practice development stages, workplace-based feedback, in-training assessments, and completion criteria, training, fees, and support for tra...
ANZCA Bulletin Summer 2020
In this edition of ANZCA's quarterly member magazine: Exploring the deep with diving and hyperbaric medicine | Recognising research successes - an update on what our fellows have achieved | Managing exams in a pandemic - how ANZCA dealt with COVID-19 disruptions
Practice development stage proposal (training site description)
108 year-old woman is Australia's oldest anaesthesia patient
Anaesthetists cancel ASM due to COVID
Reference template for re-interview