FPM committees
FPM committees support the board in achieving its objectives in the training, examination and continuing education of specialist pain medicine physicians and in setting the standards of clinical practice for pain medicine in Australia and New Zealand.
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Other ANZCA committees and sub-committees
Committees of the ANZCA council are assisted in achieving objectives by several subcommittees.
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Everything you need to know about college elections, including dates, eligibility, and campaigning rules.
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Recognising excellence
Our awards, prizes and medals recognise achievements in areas such as the advancement and promotion of specialist medicine; exam performance; clinical research; education; and pastoral care.
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What do specialist pain medicine physicians do?
As pain medicine is a multi-disciplinary specialty, specialist pain medicine physicians come from a variety of backgrounds.
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FPM centralised trainee tutorials
The centralised trainee tutorial program is an exciting initiative introduced in 2021 to provide all pain medicine trainees with access to a formalised teaching program and regular opportunities to engage with other trainees.
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Member satisfaction surveys
We regularly invite our fellows and trainees to provide formal feedback on a range of college activities so we can continue to improve. The results and associated action plans are published here.
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Environmental Sustainability Network
The purpose of the ESN is “to advocate, collaborate and promote initiatives and projects related to environmental sustainability within anaesthesia, perioperative and pain medicine”.
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FPM New South Wales Regional Committee
The FPM NSW Regional Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the NSW region, and the FPM Board and Professional Standards Committee to which they report.
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FPM Western Australia Regional Committee
The FPM WA Regional Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the WA region, and the FPM Board to which they report.
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