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Australian 2023 anaesthesia workforce snapshot

We've released an anaesthesia workforce snapshot which highlights that the anaesthesia workforce in Australia continues to increase at pre-pandemic growth rates.

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Revised professionalism and performance guide now available

As part of our ongoing commitment to elevating professionalism in our workforce, we have completed a comprehensive review of the 2017 Supporting Anaesthetists’ Professionalism and Performance: A Guide for Clinicians.

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ANZCA ABC response anaesthesia billing

The college responded to an ABC online article ahead of publication on 1 May

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HAMSTER trial results published: Enhanced oxygen delivery for children during surgery

Children with breathing problems requiring surgery could benefit from a new oxygen delivery technique that improves oxygen flow during anaesthesia.

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Persistent pelvic pain statement approved

A multidisciplinary document development group (DDG) has developed a statement on persistent pelvic pain and endometriosis. The document was produced after an extensive review of the current evidence.

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Constitutional amendment - result

See the result of the recent vote to amend the ANZCA Constitution.

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CPD app update with new and enhanced features!

After early feedback from our continuing professional development (CPD) participants, we’ve released version 1.0.2. of our CPD app!

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Anaesthetist awarded Churchill Fellowship

Darwin anaesthetist Dr Edith Waugh to examine Indigenous health care

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POM offers new opportunities for anaesthetists and other medical specialists

We have a new structure to guide perioperative medicine into the future.

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ANZCA's statement on desflurane

ANZCA’s statement on desflurane supports the continued education and actions to reduce usage.

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