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2 EPM Lite slides (English)


FPM medicinal cannabis media release

Anaesthesia for endoscopy

2022 MBS review talking points

We've produced a printable page of talking points, to assist you in conversations you may choose to have with colleagues and the wider clinical community.

Opioid-induced ventilatory impairment ER session guideline

Opioid-induced ventilatory impairment ER session guideline

ROSI SNAP Assessment

In July 2023, the process for hospitals to achieve accreditation and demonstrate compliance with the NSQHS standards changed from scheduled visits to the Short Notice Assessment Program (SNAP). Establishing an opioid stewardship program and working toward meeting recommendat...

Auditing prescribing and dispensing rates

Assessing the use of modified-release opioid analgesics within the facility is key to working towards compliance with Quality Statement 5 of the ACSQHC Clinical Care Standard (CCS1). Obtaining information and prescribing data on medication use is the first step of achieving co...


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