Patient information
Most of us will need the care of an anaesthetist at some stage in their lives.
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We support research in anaesthesia, pain medicine and perioperative medicine to improve patient outcomes through funding and resources, collaboration, and networks.
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About Us
ANZCA is one of the largest specialist medical colleges in Australia and New Zealand, and the region's foremost authority on anaesthesia, pain and perioperative medicine.
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Education & Training
Lifelong education, training and professional support is at the heart of everything we do.
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Safety & Advocacy
We work closely with key decision-makers, the medical community, and the media; providing trusted advice and information to help ensure our patients have access to safe...
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Anaesthesia trainee toolkit
Access all the resources, documents, and forms you need to meet your training requirements at the click of a button.
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Anaesthesia Continuing Education
Anaesthesia Continuing Education (ACE) is a partnership between ANZCA, the Australian Society of Anaesthetists and the New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists.
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Anaesthesia training resources library guide
This guide has been designed to support trainees participating in the ANZCA Anaesthesia Training Program, and contains resources intended to help support the overall training experience - it addresses the entire curriculum and provides comprehensive assessment support.
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Rural generalist anaesthesia (RGA) library guide
This guide contains resources tailored to support trainees participating in the RGA course. Includes clinical fundamentals, specialised study units, assessment, rural & remote practice, and other resources including apps, podcasts and videos.
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Advertised training positions
Looking for a training position? We advertise anaesthesia and pain medicine roles at all levels and across Australia and New Zealand.
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