PS02(A)BP Position statement on credentialling and defining scope of clinical practice in anaes BP
PS02(A)BP Position statement on credentialling and defining the scope of clinical practice in anaesthesia BP
PG29(A)BP Guideline for the provision of anaesthesia care to children Background Paper
To provide justification why one should take into consideration the emotional, cultural and social needs of children at the various stages of development. Provide guidance regarding the provision of anaesthesia services for children to anaesthetists and healthcare providers wh...
Careers in anaesthesia brochure
EPA 6 - Anaesthetise children 5 years and over
Anaesthetise or sedate children 5 years and
over for low-risk elective surgery and manage paediatric patients in emergency situations, if required, in the rural or remote context.
Standards for Anaesthesia
Standards for Anaesthesia are benchmarks to foster quality in patient care as well as to facilitate quality improvement.
Rural Generalist Anaesthesia Training Program Curriculum
Rural Generalist Anaesthesia Training Program curriculum.
National Anaesthesia Day 2023 A1 poster (te Reo Māori)
Ngā Kaitukurehunga: E atawhai ana i ō tātou tūroro māuiui rawa, i te wā o te poka, i muri iho hoki.
PS04(A) Position statement on the post-anaesthesia care unit
Inform clinicians on ANZCA expectations for a PACU and ensure healthcare facilities are designed, equipped, and staffed to deliver safe patient care