RGA training agreement
Rural Generalist Anaesthesia training agreement
PG09(G)BP Guideline on procedural sedation Background Paper
To optimise patient care in the management of procedural sedation. To identify the competencies that sedationists should possess.
WA Anaesthetic Mortality Committee Report 2023
Western Australian Anaesthetic Mortality Committee Report 2023
Reg 23 - Recognition as a specialist in anaesthesia or pain medicine; and eligibility for admission
Regulation 23 - Recognition as a specialist in anaesthesia or pain medicine; and eligibility for admission to fellowship by assessment for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs).
PS64(G) Position statement on environmental sustainability in anaesthesia and pain medicine practice
To affirm ANZCA’s commitment to minimising the health impact of climate change and promoting environmental sustainability, to serve as a resource for clinicians to promote environmentally sustainable practices in their workplace, to assist healthcare facilities in embedding su...
Card 6 Post crisis management
The card for Post crisis management is designed to be used as a cognitive aid by clinicians in the management of perioperative anaphylaxis.
CPA report (anaesthesia)
Clinical practice assessment report for specialist international medical graduate (SIMG)
Calvary Healthcare 20072020
ANZCA Strategic Plan 2023-2025
The ANZCA Strategic Plan 2023-2025 guides our college-wide business activity. It's the result of comprehensive consultation and engagement within the ANZCA community and beyond.