Advertised training positions
Looking for a training position? We advertise anaesthesia and pain medicine roles at all levels and across Australia and New Zealand.
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From formal submissions to social media campaigns, we leverage our professional reputation and relationships to advocate on issues affecting our specialties; our members; and the patients under their care.
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Research consultation service
ANZCA now has a dedicated Research Librarian, who will be able to assist you with your research-related queries.
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Committees of the FPM Board
FPM committees support the board in achieving its objectives in the training, examination and continuing education of specialist pain medicine physicians and in setting the standards of clinical practice for pain medicine in Australia and New Zealand.
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ANZCA CICM Dual Training Pathway
In February 2021 ANZCA Council endorsed a recommendation to develop a dual anaesthesia and intensive care training pathway in collaboration with the College of Intensive Care Medicine (CICM).
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Global health
We're committed to improving education and training capacity in anaesthesia and pain medicine in response to the needs expressed by low and middle income countries (LMIC).
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Research grants
Many of the recent advances in anaesthesia, pain medicine and perioperative patient care have involved pioneering ANZCA-funded research conducted by our fellows. Take a look at what we've achieved; what we fund; and how to apply.
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Specialist international medical graduates
If you trained as an anaesthetist or specialist pain medicine physician overseas, we offer a number of pathways for you to practice in Australia or New Zealand as a specialist international medical graduate (SIMG).
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ANZCA Clinical Trials Network
We are the leading clinical trials network in anaesthesia, pain and perioperative medicine. We have a clear focus to translate our research findings into practice to improve patient safety and care in our communities and globally.
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ANZCA Professional Practice Research Network (PPRN)
The purpose of the Professional Practice Research Network (PPRN) is to promote research in professional practice.
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