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Medical Education SIG

The Medical Education SIG was formed in 1999 by ANZCA fellows who wanted to further the interest of many of our fellows in medical education.

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ANZCA Doctors' Support Program - Converge

As part of our ongoing support for our fellows, trainees, and SIMGs, ANZCA has engaged the professional services of Converge International – a confidential and independent counselling and coaching program.

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Professional Affairs Executive Committee

The Professional Affairs Executive Committee (PAEC) reports to ANZCA Council on issues relevant or important to fellows of the college including fellowship engagement, policy, advocacy and community development.

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ANZCA Global Development Committee funds and scholarships

The Global Development Committee offers and promotes scholarships and funding to support colleagues from low-middle income countries.

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Professional Practice Research Network Executive

This subcommittee of the ANZCA Research Committee oversees and supports the PPRN, its purpose and objectives

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Environmental sustainability

The healthcare sector is highly interconnected with activities that emit pollution to air, water and soils, resulting in a significant ecological footprint and contribution to anthropogenic climate change.

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SIMG supervisor toolkit

As an SIMG supervisor, you play a vital role in the training, assessment, and welfare of your SIMG and should have a broad understanding of the SIMG program.

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Wellbeing SIG

The aim of the Wellbeing SIG is to promote personal wellbeing and to heighten awareness of wellbeing issues in anaesthetists and pain medicine specialists. The group is an informative, educative and referral group; it has no therapeutic role.

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FPM Board elections

All financial members of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) are eligible to both stand for and vote in the annual FPM elections.

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FAQ - ANZCA & FPM SIMG pathways

This page provides help with the most common questions about our SIMG pathway in Australia

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