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SIMG supervisor toolkit

As an SIMG supervisor, you play a vital role in the training, assessment, and welfare of your SIMG and should have a broad understanding of the SIMG program.

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FAQ - ANZCA & FPM SIMG pathways

This page provides help with the most common questions about our SIMG pathway in Australia

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Sponsorship opportunities

ANZCA events offer the healthcare industry an exciting range of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities.

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Frequently asked questions

Important information for all candidates participating in ANZCA exams, including our conditions of application and entry.

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Have a question about the ROSI? Access our library of frequently asked questions.

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Cardiac arrest specialist pain medicine physicians ER session guideline

Cardiac arrest specialist pain medicine physicians ER session guideline

Professional documents

Our professional documents, statements and guidelines are crucial for promoting the safety and quality of patient care for those undergoing anaesthesia for surgical and other procedures and for those receiving pain medicine treatment.

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Rural SIG

The Rural SIG is one of 17 SIGs jointly managed by ANZCA, the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA), and the New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists (NZSA) through the Anaesthesia Continuing Education (ACE) partnership.

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Education Executive Management Committee

The Education Executive Management Committee (EEMC) oversees, guides and reports on ANZCA education activities and the operations of the Education Development and Evaluation Committee (EDEC), the Training Accreditation Committee (TAC) and Specialist International Medical Gradu...

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Awarded in recognition of those who make extraordinary and critically important contributions (clinical or non-clinical) in times of major disaster, conflict or in other circumstances outside the college.

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