RTP report 2023 FPM
Return to Practice report (Pain Medicine)
ROSI scholar role activities and the CCS
ANZCA scholar role activities and quality improvement activities to support the clinical care standard (CCS).
Summary of membership concessions
ANZCA submission to Commonwealth Government COVID-19 response inquiry
College response to Australian government inquiry into the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
PG65(G)BP Guideline for the performance assessment of a peer Background Paper
This document provides background to the guideline assessing the performance of a colleague
Reg 28 - Removal of role holders, committee, subcommittee and working group members representatives
This regulation outlines the process for removing or reinstating ANZCA role holders, committee, subcommittee, and working group members. It details the grounds for removal, application procedures for reinstatement, and the Council’s authority to issue warnings. Additionally, i...