GDC scholarship TOR and application form
Global Development Committee scholarship terms of reference and application form.
Multidisciplinary training unit datasheet (Level 1)
Updated data sheet
PS57(A)BP Position statement on duties of specialist anaesthetists Background Paper
PS57(A)BP Position statement on duties of specialist anaesthetists Background Paper
Reg 37 - Training in anaesthesia leading to FANZCA, and accreditation of facilities to deliver this
This regulation stipulates requirements for the ANZCA vocational training program.
Applicants must comply with this regulation, the ANZCA Handbook for Training and other
relevant policies and requirements of ANZCA.
PS12(PM)BP Position Statement on the use of ketamine in the management of CNCP Background paper
Justification for the statement from the Faculty of Pain Medicine on the use of ketamine with reference to its use in the management of patients with chronic non-cancer pain.