Apply to join a SIG
Joining a SIG is the perfect way to meet like-minded people; exchange ideas; and shape the future of your sub-speciality or area of interest.
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SIMG clinical practice assessment period
The clinical practice assessment (CPA) period is the period of supervised clinical practice an SIMG must complete during their individual program.
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Careers at ANZCA
We're building a diverse and vibrant workforce and we want to attract the best people! Find out what a career with the college can offer you, and explore current job vacancies around Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
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FPM by-law 19 - Accreditation of units offering training in pain medicine
By-law 19
Join the ANZCA and FPM CPD Program
You don't need to be a FANZCA or FFPMANZCA to join our world-class online CPD program. If you're a registered medical practitioner, you can sign up as a non-fellow.
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Chapter of Perioperative Medicine governance and guidance
Meet the agencies, groups, and individuals involved in steering the development of a perioperative medicine qualification.
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Reconciliation Action Plan
ANZCA's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is an important step in our reconciliation with Australia’s First Nations peoples.
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COVID-19 - overarching educational principles
We have developed a number of overarching educational principles that have guided our decision-making in relation to education and training during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Professional practice research grants
We've created a dedicated grant for research in a range of aspects of professional practice, including simulation/education
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Steuart Henderson Award
Awarded to practitioners who have demonstrated a significant contribution to medical education (in anaesthesia or pain medicine), including, but not limited to, ANZCA and FPM Fellows and academic experts.
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