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Academic enhancement grant

The academic enhancement grant aims to foster the advancement of the academic disciplines of anaesthesia and/or pain medicine.

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Advocating for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori health

Find out how we're involving Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and Māori communities in policy development and decision-making, and joining forces with medical colleges around Australia and New Zealand to advocate for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori health.

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Frequently asked questions about STP

We answered some common questions about the Specialist Training Program.

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Cardiac arrest specialist pain medicine physicians ER session guideline

Cardiac arrest specialist pain medicine physicians ER session guideline

Our strategic relations

We play an active role in in the global health community. Discover some of the ways we're working together to improve health outcomes for all patients.

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Frequently asked questions about the RGA training program

Frequently asked questions about the Rural Generalist Anaesthesia training program

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Michael J Cousins Lecture

In recognition of the significant contributions of Professor Michael J Cousins FANZCA, FFPMANZCA to the field of pain medicine and his initiative to establish the Faculty of Pain Medicine, the faculty plenary session at the college's annual scientific meeting was named the Mic...

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ANZCA CICM Dual Training Pathway FAQs

Everything you need to know about the proposed ANZCA CICM dual training pathway, including the reasons for its development, duration, eligibility requirements and the timeframes.

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