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RPL electronic logbook

DHM Trainee re-entry to practice

This template should be used by DHM trainee who have been absent from DHM training for more than 26 calendar weeks (note that this applies even if you have been practicing medicine outside of DHM).

PG52BP Guideline for transport of critically ill patients Background Paper

This document is a background for guidance to assist clinicians, health services and organisations develop and implement strategies and protocols for the transport of critically ill patients in order to minimise risks and maximise safety for patients and accompanying staff dur...

New opioid video media release


2023 ANZCA and FPM CPD Program Handbook

The CPD handbook includes information about requirements, activities, guidelines and forms.

PP01(PM) Policy for the development of professional documents

Policy for development and review of professional documents for the Faculty of Pain Medicine.

DHM MsF Instruction sheet

Open letter to Karen Andrews MP, Minister for Home Affairs

Open letter – Doctors call on the Australian Government to immediately release Biloela Family from detention.


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