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Joint statement: Call for Australia's ratification of the OPCAT

Joint document from 2015 between ANZCA and several other colleges/societies

RGA Trainee Re-entry to practice

Trainee re-entry to practice plan must be completed by RGA trainees who have been absent from RGA training or practicing medicine outside of anaesthesia for more than 13 calendar weeks.

PG52 Guideline for transport of critically ill patients 2024 (PILOT)

The aim of this document is to assist clinicians, health services and organisations develop and implement strategies and protocols for the transport of critically ill patients in order to minimise risks and maximise safety for patients and accompanying staff during transport.


Letter from Dr Vanessa Bevis to Dr Ashley Bloomfield re NZ vaccination rollout 20210217

Letter from ANZCA President, Dr Vanessa Bevis to Dr Ashley Bloomfield, Director-General, NZ Ministry of Health re the NZ COVID-19 vaccination rollout 20210217


During your child’s anaesthesia

'During your child’s anaesthesia' is the third in a series of four ANZCA fact sheets about anaesthesia and children.

After your child’s anaesthesia

'After your child’s anaesthesia' is the last in a series of four ANZCA fact sheets about anaesthesia and children.

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