Reg 27 - Performance assessment of anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians
This regulation outlines ANZCA's process for nominating specialist anaesthetists or pain medicine physicians to assist external bodies with performance assessments when requested. It details the selection and duties of assessors, specifies the methods for conducting performanc...
Demo written exam
A demonstration exam has been set up to assist pain medicine trainees as they prepare for the written examination.
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Patient experience survey (pain medicine) - guideline
Patient experience survey (pain medicine) - guideline
Patient experience survey (procedures in pain medicine) - guideline
Patient experience survey (procedures in pain medicine) - guideline
PS11(PM) Procedures in Pain Medicine
The Procedures in Pain Medicine Clinical Care Standard provides guidance on what is considered to the appropriate and safe use of procedures and in the practice of pain medicine.
Clinical immersion sites 
An engaging clinical experience is essential in shaping competent perioperative medicine practitioners. The clinical immersion sites have been selected for their dedication to perioperative medicine excellence, patient care, and advanced medical techniques. These hospitals ser...
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What does an anaesthetist do?
Anaesthetists are specialist doctors with unique clinical knowledge and skills. They have a major role in the perioperative care of surgical patients.
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FPM Training and Assessment Executive Committee
The Training and Assessment Executive Committee (TAEC) oversees training, assessment and accreditation activities.
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