Training approval requestform (OCT)
This form should be completed by ANZCA trainees who wish to train in a non-ANZCA accredited training site.
Perioperative care team fact sheet (English)
Your perioperative care team will coordinate your care before, during, and after surgery to help you get what you want out of your operation.
ANZCA MCNZ Expedited Pathway Consultation lodged.
College feedback on the Medical Council of New Zealand’s proposed expedited pathway for registration in the vocational scope of practice.
PADDI trial award media release
23 May 20222
FPM by-law 15 - Regional and National Committees
Australian regional committees and the New Zealand National Committee (NZNC) of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) are elected bodies that act as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the region or country and the FPM Board and Professional Standards Committee.