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Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Sub-committee

The DHM Sub-committee reports to the Education Executive Management Committee on matters pertaining to the ANZCA Advanced Certificate of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine

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Pain medicine trainee first year

Auckland Regional Pain Service (Auckland city hospital) are seeing a first year pain medicine trainee.

Peer review of practice (pain medicine) - observation form

Peer review of practice (pain medicine) - observation form

Recognition pathways

There is a recognition pathway open to eligible practitioners across various specialties to apply for legacy transition to be a graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine - GChPOM

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Perioperative Medicine Content and Resource Review Working Group

The POMC&RRWG is dedicated to conducting an annual review and update of recommendations, resources, reference links, and incorporating new evidence to keep up with continuous expansion of perioperative medicine.

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FPM Learning and Development Committee

Reporting to the Training and Assessment Executive Committee, the Learning and Development Committee is responsible for the ongoing support and evaluation of the training program and other educational initiatives.

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Our purpose, vision, and strategic plan

Our purpose and vision for the college inform our strategic plan, which guides our college-wide business activity.

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Position statement on procedures in pain medicine

This document outlines the Faculty of Pain Medicine's commitment to setting standards, providing training, and promoting the judicious use of procedures in pain medicine. It emphasizes the importance of evidence-based practice, ongoing skill development, and collaboration with...

FPM committees

FPM committees support the board in achieving its objectives in the training, examination and continuing education of specialist pain medicine physicians and in setting the standards of clinical practice for pain medicine in Australia and New Zealand.

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ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine supervisor information

ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine supervisors will plan and facilitate the participant clinical immersion experience at a hospital.

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