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Admission to faculty fellowship

Here's everything you need to know about applying to become an FFPMANZCA and registering as a specialist pain medicine physician.

Find out more

Multi-source feedback (procedures in pain medicine) - form

Multi-source feedback (procedures in pain medicine) - form


Supporting a sustainable workforce

Find out how we're working with national and state governments to ensure every patient has access to safe, high-quality, and culturally competent care.

Find out more

Multi-source feedback (procedures in pain medicine) - guideline

Multi-source feedback (procedures in pain medicine) - guideline

Chapter of Perioperative Medicine FAQs

Everything you need to know about the ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine leading to a graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine, including the reasons for its development; the likely course structure, duration, and eligibility requirements; and the timeframes.

Find out more

Patient experience survey (procedures in pain medicine) - summary form

Patient experience survey (procedures in pain medicine) - summary form

Acute pain management forms

Acute pain services require a significant number of core forms that need regular updating. To help reduce the time acute pain services requires for this service, SIG members have provided these specimen forms for you to copy, trial, and adapt to local requirements.

Find out more

Patient experience survey (procedures in pain medicine) - form

Patient experience survey (procedures in pain medicine) - form

Multi-source feedback (pain medicine) - guideline

Multi-source feedback (pain medicine) - guideline

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