COVID-19 patient screening study
New Australian research on COVID-19 screening of hospital patients during the first wave of the pandemic found that the documentation of patient screening procedures before surgery could be improved.
Patient resources
We've collated a range of resources for pain patients and their families.
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Safety alert: Fluid warming systems
A recent study published in the journal Anaesthesia suggested the use of certain types of fluid warmers might release free aluminium into the infusion fluid.
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Getinge Flow Anaesthesia Systems product defect
Affected units’ safety valve may remain open when triggered by “High Continuous Pressure” in manual mode, even after the pressure is reduced below the trigger point, resulting in no ventilation as pressure cannot be rebuilt.
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Avoid prescription of pregabalin during pregnancy
Pregabalin use during pregnancy increases risk of birth defects
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Defect: Gentec 286MB 25LY2A click-style oxygen regulators – SIS seal collar is removable (update)
The oxygen-specific seal collar for this device can be unscrewed, creating risk that wrong gas can be connected. To correct, either return to manufacturer or secure with high strength thread lock adhesive.
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Safety and Quality Committee
The Safety and Quality Committee works with fellows and ANZCA Council to support safe clinical practice in anaesthesia and pain medicine.
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Inconsistencies in use of red (or other colour) wrist bands for patients with anaphylaxis history
ANZCA has become aware of variations between hospitals and facilities in the use of red or other colour wrist bands on patients to indicate a history of anaphylaxis. We ask you to take care to know the wrist band practices in each hospital or facility you work in. We also remi...
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High Flow Nasal Oxygen (HFNO) and Fire Risk – cautionary note on device usage
This is a reissued safety alert warning medical practitioners of the potential fire hazards when using HFNOs
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