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Working and teaching overseas

There are some incredible opportunities to work and teach overseas as an anaesthetist or pain specialist, and make a real difference to global health. If you're interested in joining the ever-growing number of fellows developing and contributing to anaesthesia and pain medicin...

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Product defect correction: Fluid warming systems may leach aluminium

Smiths Medical, the manufacturer of the Level 1 Fast Flow Fluid Warming System and Level 1 Normoflo Irrigation System, has issued a Product Defect Correction due to potential for aluminium ion leaching into fluids being warmed by these devices, which may reach toxic levels.

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New Zealand recall: Carestation 750/750c Anesthesia Delivery Systems, O2 low-pressure alarm malfunct

The O2 supply low-pressure alarm tone may malfunction on GE Healthcare/Datex-Ohmeda Carestation 750/750c Anesthesia Delivery Systems located in New Zealand.

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Recall: PROVIVE MCT-LCT 1% propofol 200mg/20mL emulsion for injection vial, impurity detected

Recall of lot number A0E0051 of these vials due to detection of propofol dimer impurity within US Pharmacopeia accepted limits. Remove from use and return for credit.

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Additional links and resources

Access a list of relevant and useful documents and websites to support development of opioid stewardship programs.

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Health Equity Projects Fund

A funding stream that supports the college’s work to improve the health and wellbeing of our community

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Patient experience survey (anaesthesia) - guideline

Patient experience survey (anaesthesia) - guideline

Patient Clinical Interaction Assessment FAQs

The Patient Clinical Interaction Assessment (PCIA) is being introduced in 2025 to address the gap left when the patient clinical interaction was removed from the medical viva (in 2020).

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What is anaesthesia?

​There are several types of anaesthesia that may be used individually or in combination, depending on the operation.

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