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Opioids and chronic pain
Opioids are a class of medicines taken to help reduce pain. They work on the central nervous system to slow down nerve signals between the brain and the body.
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Anaesthesia for cardiac surgery
Most adult heart surgery in Australia and New Zealand is performed for coronary artery disease and heart valve disease.
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Other supports for perioperative medicine
From literature reviews to advocacy, find out what we're doing to makes the case for reform and resource allocation by governments, funders, and administrators.
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Request a literature search form
Literature searching involves capturing the key literature for a particular topic. ANZCA Library staff can assist users to search databases more effectively, or conduct a literature search on your behalf.
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Acute pain management forms
Acute pain services require a significant number of core forms that need regular updating. To help reduce the time acute pain services requires for this service, SIG members have provided these specimen forms for you to copy, trial, and adapt to local requirements.
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Anaesthesia and smoking
Smokers are at increased risk of respiratory, cardiac and wound-related complications following surgery.
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What do specialist pain medicine physicians do?
As pain medicine is a multi-disciplinary specialty, specialist pain medicine physicians come from a variety of backgrounds.
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The perioperative care team
Your perioperative care team will coordinate your care before, during, and after surgery to help you get what you want out of your operation.
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