FPM medicinal cannabis media release
Health threat from vaping reaches epidemic levels among youth
Media release: Regulators’ attempts to create a smoke-free New Zealand have allowed vaping to emerge as a public health threat which has now reached “epidemic” levels among youth, an anaesthesia conference has been told.
MBA consultation on recognition of rural generalism
College feedback on the Medical Board of Australia’s consultation on the recognition of rural generalism as a new field of specialty practice within the specialty of general practice, under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law.
2024 Combined SIG Program
Download the program for the Combined Leadership & Management, Communication in Anaesthesia, Medical Education, and Wellbeing Special Interest Groups Meeting in Sydney 20-22 September 2024.
RGA Trainee Re-entry to practice
Trainee re-entry to practice plan must be completed by RGA trainees who have been absent from RGA training or practicing medicine outside of anaesthesia for more than 13 calendar weeks.
CP24 Policy for the development and review of professional documents 2024
To guide the process of development of new professional documents and review of existing documents to ensure that ANZCA professional documents are relevant, best evidence-based, and contemporaneous. This policy provides the process to meet these requirements in an efficient an...
ANZCA Council and committee calendar
ANZCA Council and committees calendar 2025
RTP report 2023 FPM
Return to Practice report (Pain Medicine)