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What is anaesthesia?

​There are several types of anaesthesia that may be used individually or in combination, depending on the operation.

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Safer Care Victoria Alert: Xylocaine 2% with Epinephrine batch #9949864 (Update)

A batch containing preservative has mistakenly been shipped in place of that without preservative. Xylocaine 2% with Epinephrine with preservative may cause patient harm if administered intrathecally or epidurally.

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AU recall: ITL Australia catheter kit - compromised sterility of specific models/lots

Recall in Australia of specific models and lots of this single-use surgical procedure pack due to possible compromised sterility, increasing the risk of patient bloodstream infection.

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AU defect: Philips IntelliVue Monitors with Nellcor SpO2 Boards, malfunction with age

The SpO2 function on certain model numbers deteriorates with age, leading to a malfunction technical alarm. Keep an alternative SpO2 monitor on hand, and book a service if malfunction occurs.

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Probable allergic reaction to Spongostan

The college has been made aware of an incident involving a probable allergic reaction to Spongostan (a gelatin foam).

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Product Defect Alert: Pressure Plates used in Level 1 Fast Fluid Flow Fluid Warmers

A changed hinge design may cause variable pressure on the IV bag, leading to under-delivery or delay of therapy with possible consequences including hypothermia, hypovolemia, and/or hypotension.

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AU recall: Philips BiPAP A40 – non-conforming materials could cause off-gassing or device failure

Recall in Australia of bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) ventilator devices that may contain a plastic material that could degrade and cause off-gassing or device failure.

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Recall: ISO-GARD filter for breathing circuits (antimicrobial heat-moisture exchanger) may split or

Specified lot numbers of ISO-GARD filters marketed by Teleflex Medical may split or detach during use, potentially resulting in leakage and insufficient air supply. Check for affected stock, quarantine and return.

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PG07 Guideline on pre-anaesthesia consultation and patient preparation

The purpose of this professional document is to assist doctors with assessment and preparation of patients being considered for surgery.

Neural connector (NRFit®) changeover

Important information about the introduction of neural devices with connectors compliant with the new international standard ISO 80369-6.

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