Preparing for your child’s anaesthesia
'Preparing for your child’s anaesthesia' is the second in a series of four ANZCA fact sheets about anaesthesia and children.
During your child’s anaesthesia
'During your child’s anaesthesia' is the third in a series of four ANZCA fact sheets about anaesthesia and children.
After your child’s anaesthesia
'After your child’s anaesthesia' is the last in a series of four ANZCA fact sheets about anaesthesia and children.
FPM Local long case marking criteria
EPA 1 Review - Assess patients for surgery
Assess patients presenting for elective surgery and develop a management plan.
RGA WBA direct observations of procedural skills form
PS19(A) Position statement on monitored care by an anaesthetist
This document outlines the guidelines for monitored care provided by an anaesthetist during procedures performed under local anaesthesia or sedation.
Perioperative care approach fact sheet (English)
If you’re very old or very sick, a bit of extra care before and after your operation ensures you’re ready for surgery in the first place and have the best chance of a good recovery once the operation is over. We call this the perioperative care approach.