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Recognition pathway guidance document

This document outlines the proposed eligibility requirements, and provisions, available to medical practitioners with prior education and/or current practice in perioperative medicine (POM), for recognition (or “grandparenting”) of the graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative ...

Recognition pathway application form

Use this form to apply for the GChPeriopMed (ANZCA) recognition pathway. You can find detailed information on eligibility in the information document.

WBA case-based discussion paper form

EPA 5 Review - Anaesthetise adult patients in rural context

Anaesthetise or sedate ASA 1-2, or stable ASA 3 adult patients in the elective setting and manage unstable patients in emergency situations if required, in the rural or remote context.


SoT summary form (please submit to us)

Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - self-assessment form

Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - self-assessment form

FPM Case Based Discussion WBF Rubric

Marking rubric for the case based discussion workplace based feedback form.

What is anaesthesia?

Information for patients about what anaesthesia is and what they can expect during their operation.

What is an anaesthetist?

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