Critical reflection guideline
Critical reflection guideline
Cardiac arrest ER session guideline
Cardiac arrest ER session guideline
Cardiac arrest specialist pain medicine physicians ER session guideline
Cardiac arrest specialist pain medicine physicians ER session guideline
TK2 - Gender equity survey toolkit - Survey questions
You can adapt the following survey questions as relevant to your practice/department.
PS40(G)BP Position statement on relationship between fellows, trainees and healthcare industry BP
This document outlines guidelines for fellows and trainees of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists regarding professional and ethical relationships with the healthcare industry.
Careers in anaesthesia brochure
PG28(A) Guideline on infection control in anaesthesia
To ensure that the practice of anaesthesia is as safe as possible for patients, anaesthetists and other healthcare workers. Infection control aimed at minimising risks of infection is central to this aim.
Periprocedural GLP-1 use consensus - clinical guide
ANZCA, along with peak diabetes, obesity and gastroenterological bodies, has produced clinical practice recommendations for patients using GLP-1/GIP receptor agonists.