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Inconsistencies in use of red (or other colour) wrist bands for patients with anaphylaxis history

ANZCA has become aware of variations between hospitals and facilities in the use of red or other colour wrist bands on patients to indicate a history of anaphylaxis. We ask you to take care to know the wrist band practices in each hospital or facility you work in. We also remi...

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High Flow Nasal Oxygen (HFNO) and Fire Risk – cautionary note on device usage

This is a reissued safety alert warning medical practitioners of the potential fire hazards when using HFNOs

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Reissued: Accuracy of pulse oximeters at low oxygen saturation

Pulse oximeters may overestimate arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) for patients with non-white skin when SpO2 falls below 90 per cent. This disparity widens as SpO2 falls, is more pronounced in individuals with darkly pigmented skin, and is likely to be clinically important be...

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New Zealand recall: CareSens KetoSens Test Strip – specific batch returns false readings

Recall in New Zealand of CareSens KetoSens Test Strips batch UJ03PBXNG, which give false (too high) readings of patient blood ketones.

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Propofol anaphylaxis

ANZCA has been notified of an episode of life-threatening anaphylaxis, most likely triggered by propofol, in a previously well 12 year-old boy with no allergy history. Propofol anaphylaxis is extremely rare but possible.

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Perioperative Allergy Sub-committee

The Perioperative Allergy Sub-committee reports to the Safety and Quality Committee and works with the Australian and New Zealand Anaesthetic Allergy Group (ANZAAG) to produce and promulgate guidelines regarding the prevention and management of anaesthetic related allergy, and...

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Accuracy of pulse oximeters at low oxygen saturation

Pulse oximeters may overestimate arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) for patients with non-white skin when SpO2 falls below 90 per cent.

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Dantrolene supply shortage

Pfiezer has been experiencing supply chain issues with Dantrolene products

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Dexamethasone brand change contains propylene glycol

New brand of dexamethasone 4mg ampoules, Hameln, contains propylene glycol.

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