FPM Practice Assessment Pathway Assessment checklist
Use this checklist for endorsement criteria to become endorsed in pain medicine procedures via the practice assessment pathway
ANZCA letter to Medical Board of Australia Chair Dr Anne Tonkin 20211201
ANZCA's letter to Medical Board of Australia Chair Dr Anne Tonkin re: the Ahpra cosmetic surgery review 1 December 2021
ANZCA Pholcodine Statement September 2023
This statement has been prepared in response to the decision of the Australian Government
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to withdraw pholcodine-containing products from the market. Evidence shows that pholcodine consumption in the 12-month period prior to a general an...
ROSI presentation slides
ROSI branded PowerPoint slide deck that introduces the importance of and reasons for commencing an opioid analgesic stewardship program.
ANZCA response to ACI perioperative toolkit consultation
College feedback to the Agency for Clinical Innovation’s (ACI) perioperative toolkit.
Blue book submission EOI form
Blue book submission expression of interest form
Neuraxial device advice for practitioners
Advice for anaesthetists and pain medicine practitioners on the introduction of neural/neuraxial devices with connectors compliant with the new international standard ISO 80369-6.