ANZCA DEI background paper
Background paper to ANZCA's position statement on equity, diversity and inclusion.
Airway Management SIG
The main objective of the Airway Management SIG is the promotion of science, education, exchange and distribution of ideas between anaesthetists with a particular interest and involvement in airway management.
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Michael J Cousins Lecture
In recognition of the significant contributions of Professor Michael J Cousins FANZCA, FFPMANZCA to the field of pain medicine and his initiative to establish the Faculty of Pain Medicine, the faculty plenary session at the college's annual scientific meeting was named the Mic...
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FPM Dean's Prize
The FPM Dean's Prize recognises the FPM fellow or trainee judged to have presented the most original pain medicine/pain research paper, of sufficient standard, at the free papers session of the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.
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Frequently asked questions about the RGA training program
Frequently asked questions about the Rural Generalist Anaesthesia training program
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Pain medicine training sites
Find FPM-accredited training sites, as well as information on supervisors of training, unit directors, and how to get your unit accredited.
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ANZCA Standards for Perioperative Medicine
ANZCA Standards for Perioperative Medicine
Anaesthesia image library
Our anaesthesia photo library is divided into five categories - pre/post-theatre, theatre, training, drugs and equipment, and obstetrics.
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Anaesthesia training sites and rotations
Information on ANZCA-accredited anaesthesia training sites, rotations, supervisors, education officers; how to become a training site accreditation visitor; and how to apply for ANZCA training site accreditation.
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2018 to 2020 Safety of Anaesthesia Report
2018 to 2020 Safety of Anaesthesia report