PS04(A)BP Position statement on the post-anaesthesia care unit Background Paper
PS04(A)BP Position statement on the post-anaesthesia care unit Background Paper
Standards for Anaesthesia
Standards for Anaesthesia are benchmarks to foster quality in patient care as well as to facilitate quality improvement.
PS59(A)BP Position statement on roles in anaesthesia and perioperative care Background Paper
PS59(A)BP Position statement on roles in anaesthesia and perioperative care Background Paper
LOs mapped to IAAC MCQs
Learning outcomes mapped to the Initial Assessment of Anaesthetic Competence (IAAC) MCQs
PG06(A) Guideline on the anaesthesia record
PG06(A) Guideline on the anaesthesia record
Anaesthesia for endoscopy
Draft clinical governance framework
College feedback on the New Zealand Health Quality and Safety Commission’s draft clinical governance framework.
Pharmac Lidocaine Submission
College response to Pharmac proposal to fund lidocaine hydrochloride 10% solution to manage pain for people receiving palliative care.