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Health threat from vaping reaches epidemic levels among youth

Media release: Regulators’ attempts to create a smoke-free New Zealand have allowed vaping to emerge as a public health threat which has now reached “epidemic” levels among youth, an anaesthesia conference has been told.

MBA consultation on recognition of rural generalism

College feedback on the Medical Board of Australia’s consultation on the recognition of rural generalism as a new field of specialty practice within the specialty of general practice, under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law.

RGA Trainee Re-entry to practice

RGA Trainee Re-entry to practice

ANZCA Council and committee calendar

ANZCA Council and committees calendar

FPM Practice Development Stage Data Sheet 2023

PDS data sheet

RTP report 2023 FPM

Return to Practice report (Pain Medicine)

PG60(POM)BP Guideline on periop management of patients with hypersensitivity to chlorhexidine BP

PG60(POM)BP Guideline on the perioperative management of patients with suspected or proven hypersensitivity to chlorhexidine Background Paper

ANZCA Workplace Gender Equality Report 2023-24

Download the latest ANZCA Workplace Gender Equality Report.


CPA report (anaesthesia)

Clinical practice assessment report for specialist international medical graduate (SIMG)

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