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Patient experience survey (procedures in pain medicine) - form

Patient experience survey (procedures in pain medicine) - form

Patient experience survey (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - form

Patient experience survey (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - form

Patient experience survey (pain medicine) - form

Patient experience survey (pain medicine) - form

Paediatric patient-parent satisfaction survey (anaesthesia) - form

Paediatric patient-parent satisfaction survey (anaesthesia) - form

PS62 Position statement on cultural competence and cultural safety 2024

To articulate ANZCA’s ongoing commitment to the role and importance of cultural competence and cultural safety, to promote cultural safety, to serve as a resource to assist doctors to behave in a culturally safe manner.

PG51(A)BP Guideline for the safe management and use of medications in anaesthesia Background Paper

This document provides justification for the safety recommendations for medical practitioners administering anaesthesia, sedation, and local analgesia, aiming to ensure safe medication handling, documentation, and access within healthcare facilities, while complementing state...

Analysing healthcare outcomes guideline

Analysing healthcare outcomes guideline

FPM submission to Cannabis and driving in Queensland-community consultation 20231215

Faculty feedback on the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads community consultation on cannabis and driving.


Peer review of practice (anaesthesia) - observation form

Peer review of practice (anaesthesia) - observation form

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