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FPM by-law 4 - FPM Training Program

FPM training program including eligibility criteria, application requirements, and program structure. It covers entry pathways, core and practice development stages, workplace-based feedback, in-training assessments, and completion criteria, training, fees, and support for tra...

Practice development stage proposal (training site description)

Elective surgery should focus only on patients in greatest need


CPA report FPM

2023 ANZCA Council elections nomination form

Use this form to make a nomination to stand in the 2023 ANZCA Council elections.


FPM library agreement

Library agreement for new FPM applicants to sign when joining the training program.

2023 FPM Board Candidate Profile

2023 FPM election candidate profile

2023 CPD Mandatory Compliance Policy

The CPD Mandatory Compliance Policy defines the CPD compliance requirements for ANZCA and FPM fellows and other CPD participants.

DHM Exam Report 2019

Advanced Diploma of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Exam Report 2019

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