Te Whare Tohu o Te Hau Whakaora
Find out why the college has a te reo Māori name; what it means; how it was developed; and how to pronounce it.
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International Women's Day
View our International Women's Day campaigns from 2024-22
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SIMG performance assessments
The SIMG PA is a one-day assessment conducted by two fellows and at times an observer in the SIMG’s actual working environment.
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PG47BP Guideline on training and practice of perioperative diagnostic point-of-care ultrasound BP
PG47BP Perioperative diagnostic POCUS Background Paper
CPD requirements for Rural Generalist Anaesthetists (RGAs)
In May 2023, the TC-RGA agreed that Rural Generalist Anaesthetists (RGAs) would be recommended to undertake the Continuing Professional Developement (CPD) program-level requirements identified in the ANZCA and FPM CPD standard.
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Patient resources
We've collated a range of resources for pain patients and their families.
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Corticosteriods in short supply
The TGA has advised of shortage of corticosteriods
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Australian impact of regional and global shortage of intravenous solutions
The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) have published an alert about a shortage of multiple intravenous (IV) fluid products in Australia due to global supply limitations, unexpected increases in demand, and manufacturing issues.
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Anaesthesia and children
Children of all ages, including newborn babies, may require anaesthesia.
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Emerging Investigators Sub-committee
The Emerging Investigators Sub-committee reports to and advises the Research Committee on issues relating to the support of trainee, junior, novice and other emerging research investigators including PhD candidate researchers.
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