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Advertised training positions

Looking for a training position? We advertise anaesthesia and pain medicine roles at all levels and across Australia and New Zealand.

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Committees of the FPM Board

FPM committees support the board in achieving its objectives in the training, examination and continuing education of specialist pain medicine physicians and in setting the standards of clinical practice for pain medicine in Australia and New Zealand.

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About perioperative medicine

Perioperative medicine emphasises the importance of an integrated, planned, and personalised approach to patient care before, during, and after any surgical procedure involving anaesthesia.

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Training & Exams Resource Hub

This hub has been designed for trainees and educators participating in the ANZCA, FPM, RGA and DHM training programs to identify suitable training and education resources, and includes program-specific guides and online access to the Primary Exam reading list and ETA reference...

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About pain medicine

One in five people in Australia and New Zealand will experience chronic – or persistent – pain at some stage in their lives.

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Pain medicine training program

The pain medicine training program comprises a minimum of two years clinical experience directly related to pain medicine, which allows specialists and those completing a speciality training program to become a specialist pain medicine physician.

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Specialist international medical graduates

The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and the Faculty of Pain Medicine have several pathways open to overseas trained anaesthetists and pain medicine specialists. Information on these pathways can be found below.

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ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine

The ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine enables specialist doctors, such as anaesthetists, surgeons, physicians, intensivists, and general practitioners to enhance their skills and knowledge in perioperative medicine​.

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Training site accreditation

We accredit hundreds of hospitals and private practices in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore to deliver elements of our anaesthesia, pain medicine, and diving and hyperbaric medicine (DHM) training programs.

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Lifelong learning project

We're reshaping the way our educational offerings are delivered to support lifelong learning.

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