Our museum
The Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History was founded in 1935. It showcases over 170 years of advances in anaesthesia and pain medicine, and is the largest and most diverse collection of its kind in the world.
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FPM New South Wales Regional Committee
The FPM NSW Regional Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the NSW region, and the FPM Board and Professional Standards Committee to which they report.
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ANZCA National Anaesthesia Day
Each year we celebrate ANZCA National Anaesthesia Day across Australia and New Zealand on 16 October, the anniversary of the day in 1846 that ether anaesthetic was first demonstrated in Boston, Massachusetts.
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Unfamiliar drug presentations and concentrations
Need for heightened awareness of risk of under and over-dosing in clinical practice and for checking a drug’s name, concentration and volume/dose.
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ANZCA Council
The ANZCA Council governs the college with the support of the FPM Board and various committees. Its roles include reviewing and approving the annual strategic plan and budget, and developing and monitoring key performance indicators and other benchmarks.
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PG47BP Guideline on training and practice of perioperative diagnostic point-of-care ultrasound BP
PG47BP Perioperative diagnostic POCUS Background Paper
Garry David Phillips Prize
Awarded for outstanding achievement in anaesthesia within the Masters of Medicine program at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Papua New Guinea.
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Standing for election as an ANZCA councillor
Everything you need to know about standing for election as an ANZCA councillor
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Professional Practice Research Network Executive
This subcommittee of the ANZCA Research Committee oversees and supports the PPRN, its purpose and objectives
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College publications
Our publications keep members up-to-date and lift the profile of anaesthesia and pain medicine with policy makers and in the wider community.
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